Extraction Post-Op Instructions



Slight bleeding after an extraction is not unusual. Your saliva may be tinged with blood for up to twenty-four

(24) hours. A gauze pack will be placed over the extraction site after surgery. This gauze should be left in place for at least two (2) hours maintaining firm biting pressure. Do not suck or forcefully spit. This may cause further bleeding and loss of the blood clot. If bleeding persists, follow this procedure:

  1. Moisten clean gauze and place directly over the extraction site. Apply moderate biting pressure for approximately ½ hour. Repeat if necessary.
  2. If bleeding still persists, a moistened tea bag may be placed over extraction site while applying firm biting pressure for approximately ½ hour.


After an extraction, a blood clot forms in the area. This clot is part of the normal healing process. It is important to avoid activities which might disturb the blood clot. Please adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do NOT smoke or drink alcohol. Do NOT drink from a straw or brush the teeth adjacent to the extraction site for twenty-four (24) hours. This can cause the blood clot to dislodge and delay healing.
  2. You may brush and floss your teeth thoroughly. A mild rinse with warm salt water is also acceptable. (1/2 teaspoon of salt in 12oz of water).
  3. Limit strenuous activity for the first forty-eight (48) This will reduce bleeding and minimize swelling.


It is not uncommon to have discomfort and pain for the first few days after surgery. Take pain medications as needed. The first day it is recommended to take medication even with minimal pain as it is easier to prevent pain than decrease it.


Occasionally this occurs after a tooth extraction and results from the blood clot not forming properly during the healing time. “Dry socket” refers to the blood clot being lost from the tooth socket. A dry socket can be very painful, and if it occurs, please contact our office.


After an extraction, swelling and bruising is common. To help reduce this, apply an ice pack to the outside of your face over the extraction site. This may be applied twenty (20) minutes on, twenty (20) minutes off for the first twenty-four (24) hours. After twenty-four (24) hours, moist heat can be applied to the area.


After surgery, drink lots of clear liquids and eat soft nutritious foods. Do not drink alcohol or hot liquids. Be cautious until the anesthesia wears off. Because you have no feeling in the surrounding area, you may unknowingly injure yourself. Avoid acidic foods such as tomatoes, orange juice, and citrus fruits until the extraction site has healed. Minimize smoking for two weeks after the extraction.

Questions and Complications:

It is our desire that your recovery be as smooth and pleasant as possible. If you have any questions about your progress or any symptoms you are experiencing, please call ASAP..