General Dentistry
Regular dental visits are important for keeping your mouth healthy and happy. Our team takes dental checkups beyond cleanings and performs thorough exams that check for cavities, infections, gum disease, and symptoms of oral cancer. The earlier we find an issue, the sooner you can get back on the road to good oral health.
Cleaning & Check Ups
Chipped Tooth Repair
Dental Crowns
Emergency Dentistry
Gum Disease
Halitosis Treatment
Custom Night Guards
Oral Cancer Screenings
Receding Gums
Root Canal Therapy
Same Day Dentistry
TMJ/TMD Treatment
Tooth Extractions
Tooth Pain and/or Jaw Pain
Wisdom Teeth Removal
As cosmetic dentists, we try to achieve results that are age-appropriate and reflect what healthy teeth should look like, rather than the unnaturally bright smiles you might see on celebrities. At Blunn Creek Family Dentistry, we believe in facially-driven smile design to create subtle differences that help enhance your overall appearance, ensuring both the health and appearance of your smile for years to come.
Teeth Whitening
Composite Fillings
Dental Bridges
Porcelain Veneers
Blunn Creek Family Dentistry provides same-day emergency dentistry in Austin, Texas. We will make arrangements for our dentists to meet with you and provide treatment, and our team will provide instructions on what to do until you can make it to our practice.
Chipped or Fractured Teeth
Dislodged or Loosened Teeth
Avulsed (Knocked-Out) Teeth
Lost Filling or Crown
Blunn Creek Dentistry offers Orthodontics for our Austin area patients. If you’re interested in straightening your teeth and would like to learn more about all of our orthodontic services, we invite you to schedule an appointment.
Clear Correct
Sleep Solutions
Sleep disorders are among the most underdiagnosed, yet most broadly damaging conditions individuals experience today. As oral health professionals, we are in a unique position to become highly familiar with each patient’s oral cavity, airway, and how this anatomy affects breathing and sleep.
Sleep Study
Treatment Options